感謝車隊的愛心,本次送愛心到曲冰順利平安,而此次活動成員之一 啵啵魚,感觸良多,特寫此次心得...將其原文翻成中文,尚有不合意之處,請大家多多見諒...
I never knew that you can find people living like this in Taiwan. This fall break, my family went camping and supported the?aborigines in Nan-Tou county with the?Lu La La SUV team.??I saw old?men in their eighties living in a small house made out of mettle sheet with almost no food, no bath room, only one little light, and a bed, that's it! ?The other old man's??family member died and was buried next to his house. And other old people living alone and are sick.??If ?I weren't there, I?would not believe what I saw. ?
Due to two typhoons that hit Taiwan one after another last September, the roads going in the mountain were washed away, mud-sliding?everywhere. Making it even harder for the rescue team to go in. ??The condition there is so bad and so isolated. ?Thanks to Ms. Sun, a Christian messenger, we were able to reach the Chi Bin tribe that really need help. ?It's now two weeks later, they're still fixing the roads. The "Lulala" team that I went with, they brought big boxes of rice, noodle, canned food, candles, matches and battery for one family. The cost was TWD$3,500 for each family. We gave food to 16 families that need it the most. They called for rescue team but like I said rescue team could not reach them. Ms. Sun said that they got only two cups of instant noodle from the?government and the people there felt so left out and insulted. Then how did we get there? Well, that is the nice part about "Lulala". ?Lulala is a team that likes to camp and help people. They got big SUV?that can go off road like Lexus LX470, Infinite QX, and Toyota Paro. We went through water about half a wheal high, winding muddy roads, and very very steep hills to get there.?
That's how Lulala rocks! ?
I am really proud of being one of them! ??
Connor / BoBo
在這個秋假中, 我們一家人和嚕啦啦休閒車隊去南投縣露營並援助那裏的原住民。我看到八十多歲的老人家住在一個小小的鐵皮屋裡,幾乎沒有食物,沒有廁所,只有一盞微弱的燈和一張床,僅僅只有這樣! 老人的家人都過世了就埋葬在鐵皮屋的旁邊。其他的老人都是一個人獨居還生病了。如果我不是親身到過那,我不會相信我所看到的情形。
嗯! 這是嚕啦啦車隊可貴的地方嘍! 嚕啦啦是一個喜歡露營和幫助別人的團體。 他們有大的休旅車可以越野,像Lexus LX470,Infinite QX,和Toyota Paro。我們可以越過有半個輪胎高的積水,走過曲折的泥濘路和爬過很陡峭的山丘到達部落。